Api Keys: Meaning,types,how To Get And Use An Api Key.

Api Keys: Meaning,types,how To Get And Use An Api Key.


Before I dig deep into the meaning of API KEYS let me briefly explain what an API is, API stands for APPLICATION PROGRAMMING INTERFACE, also an API is a piece of software running a networked server. An API can also be defined as a programming code that allows that enables data transmission between two software products or devices.


An API KEY is a unique code used to identify and authenticate an API user, API KEYS are also used to connect or perform API calls. API KEYS is very important in the authentication process of any API. this authentication process is used to verify third-party access to their API. Here the API KEY becomes the client id, which is one of the credentials. The client id is an id that represents a user who wants the use the API.

API KEY servers to track and control how an API is being used. these two functions make it possible to prevent the act of API abuse, either by bots or cyber-attacks. API KEY helps us with two types of API authentication: project authentication and user authentication.

Project Authentication, helps us inspect if the application calling an API actually has permission. In addition, it is also useful in identifying a project or an application that is calling the API.

In User Authentication, API KEY verifies whether the user making the API call is the same person as the registered user identity. It can also verify the user's permission when making a certain request to an API. As a result, it can reduce the risk of being hacked by hackers trying to be the end-users of the application


There are two main types of API KEYS:

. Public API KEYS: These are usually generated by the owner of the application and made available to developers or users. They allow developers to access public data or features of an application

. Private API KEYS: Private keys are used in server-to-server communications. They are mostly used to authenticate requests or access data that are not publicly available. Private Keys should be kept secret and not shared with anyone.


The rules around receiving an API KEY are up to the publisher of the API. The steps below represent general steps common to most API providers.

. Visit the API provider's website and navigate to their API documentation.

. Open up an account on the API provider's website.

. Once you've opened up the account look for the option to generate an API KEY.

. Select a project already offered or create a new project to request the API KEY.

. As a user, you should designate the desired API you want to connect to and define how you plan on using it. this establishes the specific access rights of the key which need to be accessed.

. Generate the API Key by following the provider's instructions, which may include specifying the desired permissions, rate limits, and other configurations.

. Once the API KEY is generated, copy and store it securely

the API KEY should be like this: '9e5d2f6f1msh8f56723aa992b99p1f9c2djsn0f6c61a34e95'


AN API Key may also be set in the software of nearly any type of coding language -- such as Javascript, or Python sometimes the coding language used will depend on the API the user is trying to connect to.

But for now, am going to stick with Javascript and Python cause the most popular coding language.

First, let's see how to use an API KEY in chaJavascript:

  1. In your javascript code, create a variable to store the API KEY const apiKey = 'your_api_key_here';

  2. Next, use the Fetch or Axios library to send a request to the API. Include the API key in the request headers or query parameters as required by the API provider fetch(https://api.example.com/data?key=${apiKey}) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => console.log(data)) .catch(error => console.error(error))

  3. In case you decide to use the Axios library you do it this way const axios = require('axios');

    const apiKey = 'your_api_key_here';

    Axios.get('https://api.example.com/data', { headers: { 'Authorization': Bearer ${apiKey} } }) .then(response => { // Handle response data console.log(response.data); }) .catch(error => { // Handle error console.error(error); });